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English Orpingtons

The Orpington is a breed of chicken named after the town of Orpington, Kent, in south-east England. It was bred for superior egg laying while retaining meat quality Its large size and soft appearance together with its rich color and gentle contours give it an attractive appearance.Hens often become broody and are good mothers. Although rather heavy, Orpingtons are able to fly small distances but rarely do so.

The original colors are black, white, buff, blue and splash. Although there are many additional varieties recognized throughout the world.

There are two similar but different standards for Orpingtons. We try to keep the larger English type but breed as well toward American standards.

It was said that at one time Orpingtons were capable of laying as many as 340 eggs per year. A decline in production was due to breeders selecting for looks over utility.

Hover over each picture to see description and click to enlarge

Mottled Orpingtons
Lavender Orpingtons

I no longer offer Lavender Orpinngtons. Picture is here strictly to show previious stock

Gold laced Orpingtons

The gold laced Orpington is in process of being added to the APA once the standards have been approved.

Partridge Orpingtons

I no longer offer partridge or blue partridge orpingtons. Picture shown to show work I did on developing blue gold partridge orpingtons.

I have been working on a blue/red partridge Orpington. The results are turning out beautiful as seen in picture #3.

BBS  Orpingtons
Jubilee Orpingtons

I have sold my Jubilee breeding stock and will no longer offer these.  I am making room for new breeds and colors